Top Quality Unbeatable Low Price Artistic Marble Urns
Top Quality Unbeatable Low Price Artistic Marble Urns
Antique cremation urn encapsulates the essence of bygone eras, a cremation urns that stands as a timeless testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the past. Crafted with meticulous care and a keen eye for detail, these ornate vessels were once cherished for their utilitarian purposes and now hold a unique place in the realm of historical artifacts.
3 Stone Color Variation Available
Adult size
Height- 10.5"
Diameter- 7.5"
Capacity- 220 Cubic Inches
Material - Marble
keepsake size
Height- 4"
Diameter- 2.5"
Capacity- 14 Cubic Inches
Material - Marble
Includes- Bag, Glue, String
Ships in molded Styrofoam